Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Uber is here

On May 8th , the Montana legislature actually did something right for a change and not in their own  best interest, they effectively allowed ride sharing services to operate in Montana without harassment or bullying by the local taxi company's that refuse to get with the times and learn how to be more effective with today's tech. Me personally I'll be thrilled to see Uber come to this town, the transportation in this town sucks, the cab company's here are either not enough drivers on the road when needed or just don't care if you need a ride and want to give them your money. I used to drive for one of the 2 cab companies in this town for quite awhile, and as a driver I saw just how much this town needed a 3rd cab company or better choices of transportation. The bus system in this town sucks and stops running after 8-9pm and does NOT run on Sunday's period.
After 9pm, if you want to get across town or go to the store, you are pretty much screwed if you have no car or a means to get there, and NOT everybody in the world has a car or can afford one for whatever reasons that might be. So now you're stuck relying on a taxi company with  dispatchers that are rude and hang up on you or cut you off. And with owners that only care about the bottom dollar and how much they are making. I know for a fact that one certain company employ's drug users, convicted felons and generally people you don't want handling your credit card information when you call  to pay for your cab fare because the owners of both companies are too much of a tight ass to install credit card readers or even allow the drivers to have a Credit card swiper on their smart phones and even if the driver didn't have a smart phone, you can get a cheap straight talk at Walmart, download the app and use it, and the owners could still link every swipe to a bank account or a Paypal of their choice and still collect the profit with a small processing fee taken out , which I know at least one cab company still gets hit for that processing fee for using credit cards.
Uber solves all those problems, you can't pay cash for you're ride, you can pay with your credit card, you can even tip the driver with cash if you so desire. And not have to call a dispatcher that might be drunk or high that is taking your CC information, Uber drivers have no access to Credit card information when a rider pays for their ride, so their is no danger of CC info being used for malicious purposes. Another good thing about Uber, if you request a ride, you automatically get drivers contact info so you can call and check on the ETA so you can be prepared as needed. None of this calling a dispatcher and having them  tell you, 45 min-an hour MAYBE........anyway.
Uber will change how transportation is handled in Billings and surrounding towns, more options will be available, better atmosphere for everybody and it will certainly force the cab companies to re-think how they do business and maybe teach them a little humility while their at it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

For now, all I have to say is ......

 Uber is coming to billings.

Get ready to see the shit hit the fan.